Database of cinema, music, history and literature

La Famosa Invasione degli Orsi in Sicilia (2019)

Original title: la fameuse invasion des ours en sicile
Production: France, Italy|82 min
Animation, Fantasy, Adventure
Poster of movie La Famosa Invasione degli Orsi in Sicilia
to rescue his son who was kidnapped by hunters in the sicilian mountains, lã©once, the king of bears, decides to invade the land of men with the help of his clan.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Nicola Giulianoproduttore
Francesca Cimaproduttore
Thomas Bidegainsceneggiatore
Lorenzo Mattottisceneggiatore
Lorenzo Mattottidialoghi
Carlotta Caloriproduttore
Jean-Luc Fromentalsceneggiatore
Ardavan Safaeeproduttore
Valérie Schermannproduttore
Christophe Jankovicproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

il granduca
vecchio orso
grand duc
de ambrosiis / babbon
orso anziano

Technical staff

René Aubrymusiche
Sophie ReineSophie Reinemontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2019)

Corrado GuzzantiCorrado Guzzanti Voice of salnitro
Linda CaridiLinda Caridi Voice of almerina
Corrado InvernizziCorrado Invernizzi Voice of il granduca
Roberto CiufoliRoberto Ciufoli Voice of babbone
Toni ServilloToni Servillo Voice of leonzio
Andrea CamilleriAndrea Camilleri Voice of vecchio orso
Antonio AlbaneseAntonio Albanese Voice of Gedeone

Version Originale(2019)

Thomas Bidegain Voice of Gedeone
Leïla BekhtiLeïla Bekhti Voice of almerina
Jean-claude CarrièreJean-claude Carrière Voice of vecchio orso
Jacky Nercessian Voice of salnitro
Thierry Hancisse Voice of leonzio