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Look Who's Talking Too (1990)

Original title: look who's talking too
Production: USA|81 min
Comedy, Comic, Romantic
Poster of movie Look Who's Talking Too
this time, a new baby is on the way, and it's a girl. wrapped together with the standard conflict between mother and father, mikey engages in a bit of sibling rivalry with his new sister.
This movie is episode 2 of the series Look Who's Talking composed by:


Amy HeckerlingAmy Heckerlingregista

Production and Screenplay

Amy HeckerlingAmy Heckerlingsceneggiatore
Amy HeckerlingAmy Heckerlingscrittore
Neal IsraelNeal Israelsceneggiatore
Neal IsraelNeal Israelscrittore
Jonathan D.kraneproduttore
Bob Grayproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

James Ubriacco
John TravoltaJohn Travolta(età:36)
mollie jensen in ubriacco
Kirstie AlleyKirstie Alley(età:39)
mikey ubriacco
julie ubriacco
Elias KoteasElias Koteas(età:29)
mostro del gabinetto
Julie a 1 anno
Twink CaplanTwink Caplan(età:43)
Mel BrooksMel Brooks(età:64)
Neal IsraelNeal Israel(età:34)
Noelle ParkerNoelle Parker(età:19)
Don S. DavisDon S. Davis(età:48)
Paul ShafferPaul Shaffer(età:41)
Morris PanychMorris Panych(età:38)
Denis Corbett(età:42)

Technical staff

David Kitaymusiche
Debra Chiatemontatore
Molly Maginniscostumista
Reuben Freedscenografo
Richard Kent Wilcoxscenografo
Stuart Aikinscasting
Todd Mcintoshtruccatore
Thomas Del ruthdirettore della fotografia
Victoria Downtruccatore
Roy Sidickparrucchiere
Kandace Loewenparrucchiere
Barry w. Brollyarredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1990)

Paolo VillaggioPaolo Villaggio Voice of Mikey
Anna MazzamauroAnna Mazzamauro Voice of Julie

Version Originale(1990)

Roseanne BarrRoseanne Barr Voice of Julie
Mel BrooksMel Brooks Voice of mostro del gabinetto
Bruce WillisBruce Willis Voice of Mikey