Database of cinema, music, history and literature

love, simon (2018)

Original title: love, simon
Production: USA|110 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie love, simon
simon spier keeps a huge secret from his family, his friends and all of his classmates: he's gay. when that secret is threatened, simon must face everyone and come to terms with his identity.

Origin of the subject


Greg BerlantiGreg Berlantiregista

Production and Screenplay

Timothy M.bourneproduttore esecutivo
Wyck Godfreyproduttore
Marty Bowenproduttore
Isaac Klausnerproduttore
Isaac Aptakersceneggiatore
Elizabeth Bergersceneggiatore
Heath Howardproduttore
Pouya Shahbazianproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

simon spier
Nick RobinsonNick Robinson(età:23)
jack spier
Josh DuhamelJosh Duhamel(età:46)
emily spier
leah burke
abby suso
nick eisner
abraham "bram" greenfeld
cal price
Miles HeizerMiles Heizer(età:24)
martin addison
Logan MillerLogan Miller(età:26)
nora spier
mr. worth
Tony HaleTony Hale(età:48)
ms. albright
garrett laughlin
Drew Starkey(età:25)
Joey PollariJoey Pollari(età:24)
taylor metternich
high school student
Grace MooreGrace Moore(età:120)
Joshua MikelJoshua Mikel(età:34)
Mason PikeMason Pike(età:23)
Alex SgambatiAlex Sgambati(età:28)
Jb Blaine(età:17)
Tyson Love(età:38)
Sarah Bennani(età:19)

Technical staff

Aaron Osbornescenografo
Denise Chamiancasting
Eric DamanEric Damancostumista
Rob Simonsenmusiche
John Guleseriandirettore della fotografia
Ellen Ardentruccatore
Leo Satkovichtruccatore
Jennifer Santiagoparrucchiere
Amber Crowetruccatore
Tara Feldsteincasting
Jessie Gambardellatruccatore
Brynn Bergparrucchiere
Michealle Vanderpoolparrucchiere
Jared Bowentruccatore
Caley Brookstruccatore
Chase Pariscasting
Travis Patestruccatore
Harry Jierjianmontatore
Tasha Clarksonarredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2018)

Jacopo BonanniJacopo Bonanni Voice of blu