Database of cinema, music, history and literature

one hour photo (2002)

Original title: one hour photo
96 min
Poster of movie one hour photo
solitary and saddened by a gray existence, sy parrish works in a fast photographic development laboratory, almost blending into the desolate decor. the man is particularly fond of the yorkin family and covers the walls of the house with copies of their snapshots. but one day sy discovers that there is no idyll between nina and her husband, whom he has believed for years. he betrays her and she drowns the frustration between purchases. seeing the world he had idealized collapse on him, the paranoid sy decides to remedy the situation in his own way.

Festivals and awards


Mark RomanekMark Romanekregista

Production and Screenplay

Christine VachonChristine Vachonproduttore
Stan Wlodkowskiproduttore
Pamela Kofflerproduttore
Mark RomanekMark Romaneksceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

seymour "sy" parrish
Nina Yorkin
dan lyon
Will Yorkin
maya bruson
Bill Owens
detective van der zee
yoshi araki
Jake Yorkin
Gary ColeGary Cole(età:46)
Clark GreggClark Gregg(età:40)
Dylan Smith(età:10)
Erin DanielsErin Daniels(età:29)
Eriq La SalleEriq La Salle(età:40)
Jim RashJim Rash(età:32)
Andy ComeauAndy Comeau(età:32)
Andy Rolfes(età:41)

Technical staff

Tom Fodenscenografo
Jeff CronenwethJeff Cronenwethdirettore della fotografia
Jeffrey Fordmontatore
Reinhold Heilmusiche
Johnny Klimekmusiche

Voices and Dubbing