paradise now (2005)
Original title: paradise now
90 min

khaled and said have been friends since they were eight, but now they are adults and are ready to blow themselves up in a suicide attack in israel. said's father was killed when the boy was only ten years old, accused of collaborating with his israeli counterpart. both boys work in a garage: said is a hard worker, while khaled is a bit lazy. suha, daughter of a palestinian hero of the previous generation, returns to nablus. she has been away for two months and first goes to the garage: she is clearly attracted to said, even if she does not show it. on the same day, khaled and said learn that they have been chosen for the next kamikaze attack in tel aviv: they will spend one last night with their families but no one will have to know their plans. they will have to undergo a preparatory ritual and then they will be transported with the explosives tied around their body to kill the greatest possible number of people, including themselves. however, the operation is not successful. khaled is recalled to the headquarters of the organization, where his bomb was defused: it is no longer certain that his destiny is martyrdom. but there is a new problem: nobody knows what happened to said. suddenly the rumor spreads that someone saw said enter a palestinian police station claiming to be a traitor, like his father before him. khaled knows that said would never do it, so he pleads that he be allowed to track down said so we can talk to him. it's a race against time. said's bomb is set to explode soon and said can't turn it off by itself. khaled wants to save his friend before it's too late.
Festivals and awards
Hany Abu assad: regista

Production and Screenplay
Hany Abu assad: sceneggiatore
Bero Beyer: produttore
Bero Beyer: sceneggiatore
Oscar Al miglior film straniero: sceneggiatore

Pierre Hodgson: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
checkpoint soldier
car owner



Kais Nashif(età:27)
Technical staff
Sander Vos: montatore
Jina Sumedi: musiche
Olivier Meidinger: scenografo
Antoine Heberle: direttore della fotografia
Bashir Abu rabi'a: scenografo