Database of cinema, music, history and literature

prisoner of honor (1991)

Original title: prisoners of honor
Production: UK|99 min|
Dramatic, Spying


Ken Russellregista

Production and Screenplay

Ken Russellsceneggiatore
Ron Hutchinsonsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

gen. de boisdeffre
Oliver ReedOliver Reed(età:53)
col. picquart
ten. col. henry
Peter FirthPeter Firth(età:38)
gen. de pellieux
Jeremy KempJeremy Kemp(età:56)
gen. gonse
Brian BlessedBrian Blessed(età:55)
gen. mercier
Peter VaughanPeter Vaughan(età:68)
ministro della guerra
émile zola
cap. dreyfus
oliver reed
paolo ferrari
Richard Dreyfuss

Technical staff

Mia Goldmanmontatore
Mike Southondirettore della fotografia
Barry Kirschmusiche
Brian Taggmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1991)

Paolo Ferrari (attore)Paolo Ferrari (attore) Voice of oliver reed
Carlo ValliCarlo Valli Voice of Richard Dreyfuss