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Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Original title: reservoir dogs
Production: USA|99 min
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie Reservoir Dogs
when a simple jewelry heist goes horribly wrong, the surviving criminals begin to suspect that one of them is a police informant.


Production and Screenplay

Harvey KeitelHarvey Keitelproduttore
Quentin TarantinoQuentin Tarantinosceneggiatore
Quentin TarantinoQuentin Tarantinoscrittore
Roger AvaryRoger Avaryscrittore
Monte HellmanMonte Hellmanproduttore esecutivo
Lawrence BenderLawrence Benderproduttore
Richard N.gladsteinproduttore esecutivo
Ronna B.wallaceproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

mr. white/larry dimmick
Harvey KeitelHarvey Keitel(età:53)
mr. orange/freddy newandyke
Tim RothTim Roth(età:31)
mr. pink/mark nussy
Steve BuscemiSteve Buscemi(età:35)
'mister Blonde'
eddie "il bello" cabot
joe cabot
mr. brown/dennis koonstock
mr. blue/roy spafucci
Edward Bunker(età:59)
marvin nash
Kirk Baltz(età:33)
Randy BrooksRandy Brooks(età:42)
dj k-billy
mr. blonde/vic vega
background radio play
Robert Ruth(età:56)
Steven WrightSteven Wright(età:37)
Burr SteersBurr Steers(età:27)
David SteenDavid Steen(età:38)

Technical staff

Karyn Rachtmanmusiche
Sally MenkeSally Menkemontatore
Betsy Heimanncostumista
David Wascoscenografo
Andrzej SekulaAndrzej Sekuladirettore della fotografia
Kathy Nelsonmusiche
Howard BergerHoward Bergertruccatore
Ronnie Yeskelcasting
Sandy Reynold-wascoscenografo
Wayne Tothtruccatore
Michelle Bühlertruccatore
Iain Jonesparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1992)

Carlo ValliCarlo Valli Voice of dj k-billy

Version Originale(1992)

Steven WrightSteven Wright Voice of dj k-billy

Music tracks of the soundtrack