Database of cinema, music, history and literature

small soldiers (1998)

Original title: small soldiers
Production: USA|95 min|
Science fiction, Action, Animation


Joe DanteJoe Danteregista

Production and Screenplay

Steven SpielbergSteven Spielbergproduttore
Adam Rifkinsceneggiatore
Colin Wilsonproduttore
Michael Finnellproduttore
Gavin Scottsceneggiatore
Ted Elliottsceneggiatore
Terry RossioTerry Rossiosceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Gregory SmithGregory Smith(età:15)
(alan abernathy)
Kirsten DunstKirsten Dunst(età:16)
(christy fimple)
Denis LearyDenis Leary(età:41)
(gil mars)
David CrossDavid Cross(età:34)
(david cross)
Ann MagnusonAnn Magnuson(età:42)
(Iene Magnusson)
Jay MohrJay Mohr(età:28)
(larry benson)
Alexandra WilsonAlexandra Wilson(età:30)
(ms. kegel)
Dick MillerDick Miller(età:70)
Jacob SmithJacob Smith(età:8)
(timmy fimple)
Kevin DunnKevin Dunn(età:42)
(stuart abernathy)
Jonathan BouckJonathan Bouck(età:16)
Wendy SchaalWendy Schaal(età:44)
(marion fimple)
Phil HartmanPhil Hartman(età:50)
(phil fimple)
Archie Hahn(età:57)
(satellite dish installer)
Robert PicardoRobert Picardo(età:45)
chip hazard
kip killigan
butch meathook
link static
brick bazooka
nick nitro
gregory smith
kirsten dunst
jay mohr
kevin dunn
phil hartman
dick miller
denis leary
jacob smith
alexandra wilson
Clint WalkerClint Walker(età:71)
Harry ShearerHarry Shearer(età:55)
Cheri OteriCheri Oteri(età:36)

Technical staff

Jerry GoldsmithJerry Goldsmithmusiche
Marshall Harveymontatore
William Sandellscenografo
Stan WinstonStan Winstoneffetti speciali
Christina Smithtruccatore
Michael Thaumontatore
Jamie Andersondirettore della fotografia
Carole Brown-jonescostumista
Judith A. Corytruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1997)

Version Italia(1998)

Davide PerinoDavide Perino Voice of gregory smith
Danilo De GirolamoDanilo De Girolamo Voice of david cross
Massimo LodoloMassimo Lodolo Voice of denis leary
Rodolfo BianchiRodolfo Bianchi Voice of chip hazard
Enzo GarineiEnzo Garinei Voice of dick miller
Stefano De SandoStefano De Sando Voice of Archer
Carlo ValliCarlo Valli Voice of phil hartman
Francesca GuadagnoFrancesca Guadagno Voice of alexandra wilson
Monica VulcanoMonica Vulcano Voice of kirsten dunst
Luca BiaginiLuca Biagini Voice of kevin dunn
Gabriele PatriarcaGabriele Patriarca Voice of jacob smith

Version Originale(1998)

Tommy Lee JonesTommy Lee Jones Voice of chip hazard
George KennedyGeorge Kennedy Voice of brick bazooka
Harry ShearerHarry Shearer Voice of punch-it
Frank LangellaFrank Langella Voice of Archer
Bruce DernBruce Dern Voice of link static
Michael McKeanMichael McKean Voice of insaniac/freakenstein
Jim BrownJim Brown Voice of butch meathook
Christopher GuestChristopher Guest Voice of slamfist/scratch-it
Ernest BorgnineErnest Borgnine Voice of kip killigan
Clint WalkerClint Walker Voice of nick nitro