Database of cinema, music, history and literature

space jam (1996)

Original title: space jam
Production: USA|85 min
Comedy, Action, Animation
Poster of movie space jam
to avoid being turned into attractions for the moron mountain playground, the inhabitants of cartoonia challenge five alien invaders to a basketball game. the aliens take possession of the talent of five basketball professionals and then bugs bunny and members ask michael jordan for help.
This movie is episode 1 of the series Space Jam composed by:


Joe Pjtkaregista
Joe PytkaJoe Pytkaregista

Production and Screenplay

Ivan ReitmanIvan Reitmanproduttore
Leo BenvenutiLeo Benvenutisceneggiatore
Timothy HarrisTimothy Harrissceneggiatore
Herschel Weingrodsceneggiatore
Steve Rudnicksceneggiatore
Allison Abateproduttore
Joe RanftJoe Ranftsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Michael JordanMichael Jordan(età:33)
(Michael Jordan)
Wayne KnightWayne Knight(età:41)
(stan podolak)
Theresa RandleTheresa Randle(età:32)
(juanita jordan)
Manner Washington
(jeffrey jordan)
Eric Gordon (attore)
(marcus jordan)
Penny Bae BridgesPenny Bae Bridges(età:6)
(jasmine jordan)
Brandon HammondBrandon Hammond(età:12)
(michael jordan a 10 anni)
Thom BarryThom Barry(età:46)
(james jordan)
Bebe Drake
(governante dai jordan)
Anthony Miller (cestista)(età:25)
(anthony miller)
Duffy Duck
bugs bunny, taddeo
daffy duck, taz, toro
mr. swackhammer
silvestro, yosemite sam, foghorn
titty, porky, marvin, herbie, bertie
pepé le pew
lola bunny
charles il cane
sniffles, nerdluck nawt
nerdluck pound
nerdluck blanko
nerdluck bang
nerdluck bupkus
monstar bupkus
monstar bang
monstar nawt
monstar pound
monstar blanko
bill murray
foghorn leghorn
governante dei jordan
bugs bunny
daffy duck
nonna, nerdluck bang
taddeo, porky
radiocronista sportivo, bertie
frank w. welker
herbie, sniffle, nerdluck pound
nerdluck bupkus, bertie
nerdluck nawt
yosemite sam
pepe le pew
giornalista in TV
Bill MurrayBill Murray(età:46)
Danny DeVitoDanny DeVito(età:52)
Larry BirdLarry Bird(età:40)
Patrick EwingPatrick Ewing(età:34)
Albert HagueAlbert Hague(età:76)
Del Harris(età:59)
Linda LutzLinda Lutz(età:49)
A.c. Green(età:33)
Ahmad RashadAhmad Rashad(età:47)
Danny AingeDanny Ainge(età:37)
Derek HarperDerek Harper(età:35)
Jeff MaloneJeff Malone(età:35)
Jim Rome(età:32)
Joey CamenJoey Camen(età:26)
Muggsy BoguesMuggsy Bogues(età:31)
Paul WestphalPaul Westphal(età:46)
Shawn BradleyShawn Bradley(età:24)
Steve KehelaSteve Kehela(età:45)
Vlade DivacVlade Divac(età:28)

Technical staff

Sheldon Kahnmontatore
Marlene Stewartcostumista
Jennifer Williamsscenografo
Michael ChapmanMichael Chapmandirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1996)

Ilaria StagniIlaria Stagni Voice of nerdluck bupkus, bertie
Fabrizio VidaleFabrizio Vidale Voice of monstar bupkus
Neri MarcoréNeri Marcoré Voice of monstar blanko
Massimo GiulianiMassimo Giuliani Voice of bugs bunny
Ilaria LatiniIlaria Latini Voice of Titti
Stefano MondiniStefano Mondini Voice of Marvin
Laura LenghiLaura Lenghi Voice of nerdluck blanko
Gerolamo AlchieriGerolamo Alchieri Voice of pepe le pew
Leslie La penna Voice of monstar pound
Vincenzo Ferro Voice of psichiatra
Aurora CancianAurora Cancian Voice of governante dei jordan
Roberto PediciniRoberto Pedicini Voice of silvestro,taz
Simona VenturaSimona Ventura Voice of lola bunny
Vittorio AmandolaVittorio Amandola Voice of yosemite sam
Sergio LuziSergio Luzi Voice of monstar nawt
Giorgio BorghettiGiorgio Borghetti Voice of giornalista in TV
Bruno AlessandroBruno Alessandro Voice of foghorn leghorn
Giampiero GaleazziGiampiero Galeazzi Voice of mr. swackhammer
Marco Bresciani Voice of taddeo, porky
Monica WardMonica Ward Voice of herbie, sniffle, nerdluck pound
Laura LatiniLaura Latini Voice of nerdluck nawt
Franco ZuccaFranco Zucca Voice of monstar bang
Paolo BuglioniPaolo Buglioni Voice of giornalista in TV
Renzo StacchiRenzo Stacchi Voice of bill murray
Marco MeteMarco Mete Voice of daffy duck
Monica BertolottiMonica Bertolotti Voice of nonna, nerdluck bang
Sandro CiottiSandro Ciotti Voice of radiocronista sportivo, bertie

Version Originale(1996)

Billy WestBilly West Voice of bugs bunny, taddeo
Bob BergenBob Bergen Voice of titty, porky, marvin, herbie, bertie
Frank WelkerFrank Welker Voice of charles il cane
June Melby Voice of nerdluck bang
T.k.carter Voice of monstar nawt
Bill FarmerBill Farmer Voice of silvestro, yosemite sam, foghorn
Kath Soucie Voice of lola bunny
Charity James Voice of nerdluck blanko
Joey CamenJoey Camen Voice of monstar bang
Danny DeVitoDanny DeVito Voice of mr. swackhammer
Maurice LamarcheMaurice Lamarche Voice of pepé le pew
Jocelyn Blue Voice of nerdluck pound
Dorian HarewoodDorian Harewood Voice of monstar bupkus
Steve KehelaSteve Kehela Voice of monstar blanko
Dee Bradley bakerDee Bradley baker Voice of daffy duck, taz, toro
June ForayJune Foray Voice of nonna
Colleen Wainwright Voice of sniffles, nerdluck nawt
Catherine ReitmanCatherine Reitman Voice of nerdluck bupkus
Darnell Suttles Voice of monstar pound

Music tracks of the soundtrack