Database of cinema, music, history and literature

talk radio (1988)

Original title: talk radio
Production: USA|110 min|
Dramatic, Psychological

Festivals and awards


Oliver StoneOliver Stoneregista

Production and Screenplay

Eric BogosianEric Bogosiansceneggiatore
Oliver StoneOliver Stonesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Eric BogosianEric Bogosian(età:35)
(barry champlain)
Ellen GreeneEllen Greene(età:37)
Leslie HopeLeslie Hope(età:23)
John PankowJohn Pankow(età:33)
John C. McGinleyJohn C. McGinley(età:29)
Linda Atkinson
(sheila fleming)
Robert TreborRobert Trebor(età:35)
(jeffrey fisher)
Michael WincottMichael Wincott(età:30)
Zach GrenierZach Grenier(età:34)
(sid greenberg)
Tony FrankTony Frank(età:45)
Alec BaldwinAlec Baldwin(età:30)
Park OverallPark Overall(età:31)
Anna LevineAnna Levine(età:35)

Technical staff

David S. BrennerDavid S. Brennermontatore
Robert RichardsonRobert Richardsondirettore della fotografia
Ellen MirojnickEllen Mirojnickcostumista
Bruno RubeoBruno Rubeoscenografo
Sharon Ilsontruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1988)

Luca WardLuca Ward Voice of Dan