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Tears of the Sun (2003)

Original title: tears of the sun
Production: USA|121 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Action
Poster of movie Tears of the Sun
the vessel lieutenant a.k. waters and his chosen team of tactical specialists find themselves having to deal with the sense of duty and their conscience and between having to execute orders ignoring the reasons for the conflict in which they are involved and having to instead find the courage to follow the instinct in protecting a group of innocent refugees. when the nigerian democratic government collapses and the country falls into the hands of a ferocious military dictatorship, waters, a loyal and fearless ex-combatant, is sent on one of the usual recovery missions, this time by dr. lena kendricks from the doctors without frontiers department . dr. lena kendricks, an american naturalized by marriage, rescues the victims of the ongoing civil war, at a catholic mission in a remote village in nigeria. when waters arrives in the village, the doctor agrees to leave on the sole condition that he helps the villagers to reach the nearby border to deliver them to political asylum; because if left in the village they would fall into the hands of countless armed rebels. waters is under the strict orders of captain bill rhodes, who ordered him to remain a stranger to the conflict. but waters and his companions, witnesses of rebel brutality, get involved and decide to follow dr. kendricks' cause: they decide to endanger their lives by agreeing to escort the villagers through a dangerous jungle trail. while moving on foot, waters' team, an expert in evasions and hiding, is violently persecuted by armed rebels. disconcerted by these attacks, they then learn that among the refugees there is a survivor of the ruling family before the fall of the government, whose killing had been ordered to the rebels. waters and his small team find themselves having to compare the value of their lives and that of refugees with that of one man.


Antoine FuquaAntoine Fuquaregista

Production and Screenplay

Patrick Cirillosceneggiatore
Patrick Cirilloscrittore
Ian Bryceproduttore
Mike Lobellproduttore
Joe Rothproduttore esecutivo
Arnold Rifkinproduttore
Cathy Schulmanproduttore
Alex Laskersceneggiatore
Alex Laskerscrittore
Stephen j. Eadsproduttore
Steven P. saetaproduttore
Heidi Fugemanproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Bruce WillisBruce Willis(età:48)
(tenente a.k. waters)
Monica BellucciMonica Bellucci(età:35)
(dottoressa lena fiore kendricks)
Eamonn WalkerEamonn Walker(età:41)
(ellis 'zee' pettigrew)
Tom SkerrittTom Skerritt(età:70)
(capitano bill rhodes)
Cole HauserCole Hauser(età:28)
(James 'Red' Atkins)
Chad Smith
(Jason Mabry)
Fionnula FlanaganFionnula Flanagan(età:62)
(suor Grace)
Johnny MessnerJohnny Messner(età:33)
(Kelly Lake)
Charles Ingram
(Demetrius Owens)
Nick ChinlundNick Chinlund(età:42)
(Michael Slowenski)
Malick BowensMalick Bowens(età:62)
(colonnello Idris Sadick)
Akosua BusiaAkosua Busia(età:37)
Kanayo Chiemelu
(generale Mustapha Yakubu)
Cornelia Hayes o'herlihyCornelia Hayes o'herlihy(età:27)
(suor Siobhan)
Jimmy Jean-LouisJimmy Jean-Louis(età:35)
Pierrino Mascarino
(padre Gianni)
Peter MensahPeter Mensah(età:44)
Howard Mungo
(presidente Samuel Azuka)
Nkeonye Nwankwo
Benjamin A. Onyango(età:42)
(colonnello Emanuel Okeze)
Ida Onyango
Sammi RotibiSammi Rotibi
(Arthur Azuka)
Bourke FloydBourke Floyd(età:27)

Technical staff

Hans ZimmerHans Zimmermusiche
Marlene Stewartcostumista
Naomi Shohanscenografo
Mauro FioreMauro Fioredirettore della fotografia
John Blaketruccatore
John FrazierJohn Fraziereffetti speciali
Lisa GerrardLisa Gerrardmusiche
Mary VernieuMary Vernieucasting
Larry Diasarredatore
Steve JablonskySteve Jablonskymusiche
Keith Solomondirettore della fotografia
Mel Wessonmusiche
Christopher Holmesmontatore
David Lazanscenografo
Conrad Buff IVConrad Buff IVmontatore
Laine Rykestruccatore
Douglas Noetruccatore
Leslie Devlintruccatore
Gerald Quisttruccatore
Alan Davidscenografo
ManClinton Waynetruccatore
Richard SnellRichard Snelltruccatore
Kenneth Walkerparrucchiere
Chantal Boom'latruccatore
Jamie Kelmantruccatore
James Sartainparrucchiere
Tania KahaleTania Kahaleparrucchiere
Deborah Rutherfordtruccatore
Joann Stafford-chaneyparrucchiere
Erma Kentparrucchiere
Jennifer Saetatruccatore
Cleve Gundermantruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2003)