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Terror by Night (1946)

Original title: terror by night
Production: USA|60 min| black and white
Thriller, Dramatic, Mystery
Poster of movie Terror by Night
when the fabled star of rhodesia diamond is stolen on a london to edinburgh train and the son of its owner is murdered, sherlock holmes must discover which of his suspicious fellow passengers is responsible.
This movie is episode 13 of the series Sherlock Holmes composed by:

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Roy William NeillRoy William Neillproduttore
Frank Grubersceneggiatore
Howard Benedictproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Billy BevanBilly Bevan(età:59)
(controllore del treno)
Skelton KnaggsSkelton Knaggs(età:35)
Alan MowbrayAlan Mowbray(età:50)
(maggiore duncan bleek/colonnello sebastian moran)
Renee Godfrey(età:27)
(vivian vedder)
Frederick WorlockFrederick Worlock(età:60)
(professor kilbane)
Mary   I ForbesMary I Forbes(età:63)
(lady margaret carstairs)
Geoffrey Steele(età:32)
(roland carstairs)
Harry CordingHarry Cording(età:55)
(mock, produttore di bare)
Colin KennyColin Kenny(età:58)
Stuart HolmesStuart Holmes(età:62)
Boyd Davis(età:61)
Janet Murdoch(età:59)
Gilbert Allen(età:45)

Technical staff

Maury Gertsmandirettore della fotografia
Russell A.gausmanRussell A.gausmanarredatore
Vera WestVera Westcostumista
Saul A. goodkindmontatore
Jack P. PierceJack P. Piercetruccatore
Carmen Dirigoparrucchiere
John B. GoodmanJohn B. Goodmanscenografo
Carl j. Lawrencearredatore
Abraham Grossmanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia ridoppiaggio(1973)