Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the best of times (1986)

Original title: the best of times
Production: USA|104 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Sports
Poster of movie the best of times
a small-town loser determines to have one more shot at the big time by winning a football game.


Production and Screenplay

Ron SheltonRon Sheltonsceneggiatore
Gordon Carrollproduttore
Fredda Weissproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Donovan Scott(età:40)
il colonnello
Donald MoffatDonald Moffat(età:56)
Dub TaylorDub Taylor(età:79)
elly dundee
Holly Palance(età:36)
gigi hightower
Pamela ReedPamela Reed(età:37)
jack dundee
reno hightower
Kurt RussellKurt Russell(età:35)
Kirk CameronKirk Cameron(età:16)
Tony PlanaTony Plana(età:34)
Anne HaneyAnne Haney(età:52)
Tracey GoldTracey Gold(età:17)
Linda Hart(età:36)
Hugh GillinHugh Gillin(età:61)
Eloy CasadosEloy Casados(età:37)
Jeff DoucetteJeff Doucette(età:39)
Jake Dengel(età:53)
Hugo Stanger(età:86)
WomanRobyn Lively(età:14)
Bill Overton(età:39)
Michael Lopez(età:12)

Technical staff

Garth Cravenmontatore
Patricia NorrisPatricia Norriscostumista
David Rubincasting
Lynn StalmasterLynn Stalmastercasting
Silvia AbascalSilvia Abascalparrucchiere
Cheri Minnstruccatore
Brad Wildertruccatore
Anthony Brocklissscenografo
Charles F. WheelerCharles F. Wheelerdirettore della fotografia
Marc E. meyer jr.arredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1986)