Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the eye (2008)

Original title: the eye
Production: USA|97 min
Poster of movie the eye
mann becomes blind at the age of two. eighteen years later, a new and risky operation of corneal transplant restores her sight. however, a series of unexplainable events leads her to believe that her new gift goes beyond what is perceived by the eye. mysterious figures in black seem to portend sudden deaths and their daily existence is tormented by horribly disfigured individuals. unable to define her own identity, she comes to understand that every time she looks in the mirror she does not see herself, but another woman: ling, the person from whom the corneas were transplanted. nightmare visions bring mann to the brink of madness. desperate for the truth, mann travels to the old village of ling in northern thailand. here, he discovers that ling was clairvoyant, but that his inability to save the villagers from a fire he had predicted had made her fall into a deep depression. exhausted with pain and regret, ling commits suicide. now, it seems that mann has inherited ling's destiny, along with the suffering that accompanies the ability to see more than one wants to see. while departing from thailand, the black harbingers of death reappear. this time there are hundreds of them. a tragedy is about to occur again and only mann can stop it.

Festivals and awards

Razzie 2009 - nomination Worst Actress
Assigned to: Jessica Alba


David MoreauDavid Moreauregista

Production and Screenplay

Sebastian GutierrezSebastian Gutierrezsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Jessica AlbaJessica Alba(età:27)
(sydney wells)
Parker PoseyParker Posey(età:40)
(helen wells)
Alessandro NivolaAlessandro Nivola(età:36)
(dr. paul faulkner)
Rade ŠerbedžijaRade Šerbedžija(età:62)
(simon mccullough)
Fernanda Romero
(ana christina martinez)
Rachel TicotinRachel Ticotin(età:50)
(rosa martinez)
Chloë Grace moretzChloë Grace moretz(età:11)
(alicia milstone)
Tamlyn TomitaTamlyn Tomita(età:42)
(mrs. cheung)

Technical staff

Marco BeltramiMarco Beltramimusiche
Patrick Lussiermontatore
Jeffrey Jurdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2008)

Music tracks of the soundtrack