Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the fox and the hound (1981)

Original title: the fox and the hound
Production: USA|83 min|
Comedy, Animation
a fox and a hunting dog, friends as long as they are puppies, as adults they must hunt.
This movie is episode 24 of the series classici disney(disney classics)(disney classics) composed by:


Richard Richregista
Art Stevensregista
Ted Bermanregista

Production and Screenplay

Wolfgang Reithermanproduttore
Peter Youngsceneggiatore
Burny MattinsonBurny Mattinsonsceneggiatore
Dave Michenersceneggiatore
Art Stevensproduttore
Ted Bermansceneggiatore
Larry Clemmonssceneggiatore
Steve Julettsceneggiatore
Earl Kresssceneggiatore
Vance Gerrysceneggiatore
David Michenersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Gran Ma
gran ma'
amos slade
vedova tweed
red cucciolo
toby cucciolo
John McintireJohn Mcintire(età:74)
Pearl BaileyPearl Bailey(età:63)
Corey FeldmanCorey Feldman(età:10)
Candy CandidoCandy Candido(età:68)
Sandy DuncanSandy Duncan(età:35)

Technical staff

Buddy BakerBuddy Bakermusiche
Ron Clementsaltro
Joe Halescenografo
Glen Keanealtro
Frank Thomasaltro
Jack Boydeffetti speciali
Don Pauleffetti speciali
James Kofordmontatore
James Meltonmontatore
Dan Hansenscenografo
Glenn V. vilppuscenografo
Guy Vasilovichscenografo
Michael Peraza jr.scenografo
Sylvia Roemerscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1981)

Claudio SorrentinoClaudio Sorrentino Voice of cippi
Gabriella GentaGabriella Genta Voice of vedova tweed
Claudio TrionfiClaudio Trionfi Voice of Toby
Gil BaroniGil Baroni Voice of sbuccia
Nino ScardinaNino Scardina Voice of porcospino
Aurora CancianAurora Cancian Voice of gran ma'
Massimiliano AltoMassimiliano Alto Voice of red cucciolo
Mario BardellaMario Bardella Voice of tasso
Pinella DraganiPinella Dragani Voice of Vicky
Vittorio GuerrieriVittorio Guerrieri Voice of Red
Fabrizio VidaleFabrizio Vidale Voice of toby cucciolo

Version Originale(1981)

Paul WinchellPaul Winchell Voice of sbuccia
John FiedlerJohn Fiedler Voice of porcospino
Sandy DuncanSandy Duncan Voice of Vicky
Kurt RussellKurt Russell Voice of Toby
Keith CooganKeith Coogan Voice of red cucciolo
John McintireJohn Mcintire Voice of tasso
Jeanette NolanJeanette Nolan Voice of vedova tweed
Pearl BaileyPearl Bailey Voice of gran ma'
Corey FeldmanCorey Feldman Voice of toby cucciolo
Richard BakalyanRichard Bakalyan Voice of cippi
Pat Buttram Voice of fiuto
Jack AlbertsonJack Albertson Voice of amos slade