the lord of the rings: the return of the king (2003)
Original title: the lord of the rings: the return of the king
Production: USA|201 min
Dramatic, Fantasy, Adventure

gandalf and aragorn lead the world of men against sauron's army to draw his gaze from frodo and sam as they approach mount doom with the one ring.
This movie is episode 3 of the series lord of the rings composed by:
Festivals and awards
Oscar 2004 -
Best Sound Effects
Assigned to: Michael Hedges, Michael Semanick, Hammond Peek, Christopher Boyes

Assigned to: Michael Hedges, Michael Semanick, Hammond Peek, Christopher Boyes
Oscar 2004 -
Best Visual Effects
Assigned to: Joe Letteri, Alex Funke, Randall William Cook, Jim Rygiel

Assigned to: Joe Letteri, Alex Funke, Randall William Cook, Jim Rygiel
Bafta 2004 -
Best Special Visual Effects
Assigned to: Alex Funke, Joe Letteri, Randall William Cook, Jim Rygiel

Assigned to: Alex Funke, Joe Letteri, Randall William Cook, Jim Rygiel
saturn awards 2004 -
Best Special Effects
Assigned to: Joe Letteri, Alex Funke, Randall William Cook, Jim Rygiel

Assigned to: Joe Letteri, Alex Funke, Randall William Cook, Jim Rygiel
Bafta 2004 - nomination Best Original Score
Bafta 2004 - nomination Best Sound
Assigned to: Christopher Boyes, Ethan Van der Ryn, Hammond Peek, Mike Hopkins, David Farmer, Michael Hedges, Michael Semanick
Assigned to: Christopher Boyes, Ethan Van der Ryn, Hammond Peek, Mike Hopkins, David Farmer, Michael Hedges, Michael Semanick
Bafta 2004 - nomination Best Make Up and Hair
Assigned to: Peter Owen, Peter King, Richard (costumista) Taylor
Assigned to: Peter Owen, Peter King, Richard (costumista) Taylor
saturn awards 2004 - nomination Best Costumes
Assigned to: Ngila Dickson, Richard (costumista) Taylor
Assigned to: Ngila Dickson, Richard (costumista) Taylor
Origin of the subject

Production and Screenplay

Barrie M.osborne: produttore
Michael Lynne: produttore esecutivo
Mark Ordesky: produttore esecutivo
Rick Porras: produttore
Jamie Selkirk: produttore

Philippa Boyens: sceneggiatore
Interpreters and Characters
re stregone di angmar
voice of the ring
gothmog / orc lieutenant 1
Pete Smith(età:111)

Ian Hughes(età:34)

Noel Appleby(età:70)
Alan Howard(età:66)
John Bach(età:57)
Bruce Phillips(età:52)

Michael Elsworth(età:71)

Alistair Browning(età:49)

Robert Pollock(età:52)
Gino Acevedo(età:39)
Stephen Ure(età:45)

Sandro Kopp(età:25)
Henry Mortensen(età:15)
Jarl Benzon(età:27)
Maisy Mcleod-riera(età:4)
Jørn Benzon(età:30)
Ali Astin(età:7)
Technical staff
Dan Shoa: musiche

Randall William Cook: effetti speciali

Alex Funke: effetti speciali
Christopher Boyes: tecnico del suono
Victoria Burrows: casting
Peter King: truccatore
Alan Lee: scenografo
Alan Lee: arredatore
Peter Owen: parrucchiere
Jamie Selkirk: montatore

Grant Major: scenografo
Joe Bleakley: scenografo
Dan Hennah: scenografo
Dan Hennah: arredatore
Mark Robins: scenografo
Ngila Dickson: costumista
Richard (costumista) Taylor: costumista
Richard (costumista) Taylor: truccatore
Michael Semanick: tecnico del suono
Hammond Peek: tecnico del suono
Jim Rygiel: effetti speciali

Michael Hedges: tecnico del suono
Rick Findlater: parrucchiere
Woodhead Jeremy: parrucchiere

Ivana Primorac: parrucchiere

Annie Collins: montatore

Vance Hartwell: truccatore
José Luis pérez: parrucchiere
Davina Lamont: parrucchiere
Simon Bright: scenografo
Mike Hopkins: tecnico del suono
Peter Swords king: parrucchiere
Nancy Vincent: parrucchiere
Ethan Van der Ryn: tecnico del suono
David Farmer: tecnico del suono
Noreen Wilkie: parrucchiere
Philip Ivey: scenografo

Amy Hubbard: casting
Catherine Maguire: parrucchiere
Angela Mooar: parrucchiere
Kerryn Flewell-smith: parrucchiere
Jess Reedy: truccatore
Vivienne Macgillicuddy: parrucchiere
Laurelle Ziento: truccatore
Janine Schneider: parrucchiere
Allie Rutherford: parrucchiere
Margaret Aston: parrucchiere
Gail Taylor: truccatore
Steve Hopgood: truccatore
Gail Wilson: parrucchiere
Caroline Turner: truccatore
Emma Moncrieff: parrucchiere
Lenore Stewart: parrucchiere
Mark Kinaston-smith: truccatore
Louise Leonard: truccatore
Debbie Fitzpatrick: truccatore
Jessica Lalande: truccatore
Elizabeth Pick: truccatore
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2003)