Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the muppets take manhattan (1984)

Original title: the muppets take manhattan
Production: USA|94 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Musical
Poster of movie the muppets take manhattan
kermit and his friends go to new york city to get their musical on broadway only to find it's a more difficult task than they anticipated.


Frank OzFrank Ozregista

Production and Screenplay

Tom Patchettsceneggiatore
Tom Patchettscrittore
Jay TarsesJay Tarsessceneggiatore
Jay TarsesJay Tarsesscrittore
David Lazerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Lonny Price(età:25)
Louis ZorichLouis Zorich(età:60)
Art CarneyArt Carney(età:66)
Linda LavinLinda Lavin(età:47)
Se stessa
Liza MinnelliLiza Minnelli(età:38)
kermit la rana, rowlf, dr. denti, waldorf, chef svedese, ernie, link hogthrob, giornalista
miss piggy, fozzie, animal, bert, cookie monster, sam l'aquila
gonzo, chester il ratto, bill la rana, zoot, beauregard, jim il cane, dr. bunsen honeydew, pinguino
rizzo, gill la rana, kermit bambino
scooter, statler, janice, beaker
camilla, lew zealand, floyd pepper, crazy harry, dr. julius strangepork, pops
brooke shields
Miss Piggy
rowlf, animal
lew zealand
helpful woman in park
tatooey the rat / bear / dog
additional muppet performer
Elliott GouldElliott Gould(età:46)
Gregory HinesGregory Hines(età:38)
James CocoJames Coco(età:54)
John LandisJohn Landis(età:34)
Fran Brill(età:38)
Karen Prell(età:25)
Ron Foster(età:54)
John BentleyJohn Bentley(età:68)
Joan Rivers(età:51)
Vic PolizosVic Polizos(età:37)
Gary Tacon(età:32)
Joe Jamrog(età:52)
Alice SpivakAlice Spivak(età:49)
David Rudman(età:20)
Graham Brown(età:60)
Michael Earl(età:25)
Sonia Manzano(età:34)
Norman Bush(età:51)
Jim MartinJim Martin(età:23)
Ed Koch(età:60)
Hector Troy(età:43)
Peter Baird(età:33)
Caroly Wilcox(età:53)
Milton Seaman(età:70)
Wade Barnes(età:67)

Technical staff

Robert Paynterdirettore della fotografia
Ralph Burnsmusiche
Fern Buchnertruccatore
Romaine Greeneparrucchiere
Robert Drumhellerarredatore
Howard Feuercasting
Jeremy Ritzercasting
Paul Eadsscenografo
ManStephen Hendricksonscenografo
Evan A. lottmanmontatore
W. Steven Grahamscenografo
Polly Smithcostumista
Wayne Massarellitruccatore
Justin Scoppa, jr.arredatore
Calista Hendricksoncostumista
Karen Rostoncostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1984)

Riccardo PeroniRiccardo Peroni Voice of lew zealand
Antonello GovernaleAntonello Governale Voice of fozzie
Felice Invernici Voice of Kermit
Tullia Piredda Voice of Janice
Enrico Maggi Voice of rowlf, animal
Graziella Porta Voice of Miss Piggy
Aldo StellaAldo Stella Voice of scooter
Pietro UbaldiPietro Ubaldi Voice of gonzo
Veronica PivettiVeronica Pivetti Voice of brooke shields

Version Originale(1984)

Jerry NelsonJerry Nelson Voice of camilla, lew zealand, floyd pepper, crazy harry, dr. julius strangepork, pops
Dave Goelz Voice of gonzo, chester il ratto, bill la rana, zoot, beauregard, jim il cane, dr. bunsen honeydew, pinguino
Steve WhitmireSteve Whitmire Voice of rizzo, gill la rana, kermit bambino
Jim HensonJim Henson Voice of kermit la rana, rowlf, dr. denti, waldorf, chef svedese, ernie, link hogthrob, giornalista
Richard Hunt Voice of scooter, statler, janice, beaker
Frank OzFrank Oz Voice of miss piggy, fozzie, animal, bert, cookie monster, sam l'aquila