Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the red sorgum (1987)

Original title: ???
Production: Cina|91 min|
Dramatic, War
poor young woman is forced to marry a rich and elderly distiller, suffering from leprosy. after the violent death of her husband, she remarries a worker who acts as a brave in the 1930s when the japanese invaded manchuria.

Festivals and awards


Zhang YimouZhang Yimouregista

Production and Screenplay

Chen Jianyusceneggiatore
Zhu Weisceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

la nonna, dai fenglian
Gong LiGong Li(età:22)
il nonno, yu zhan'ao
Jiang Wen(età:24)
zio arhat liu/zio luohan
Zhang YimouZhang Yimou(età:36)
Ji Chunhua(età:26)

Technical staff

Zhao Jipingmusiche
Changwei Gudirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1987)