Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Shining (1980)

Original title: the shining
Production: UK, USA|144 min
Horror, Dramatic, Fantasy
Poster of movie The Shining
a family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where a sinister presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from both past and future.
This movie is episode 1 of the series Shining composed by:

Festivals and awards

Razzie 1981 - nomination Worst Actress
Assigned to: Shelley Duvall

Origin of the subject


Stanley KubrickStanley Kubrickregista

Production and Screenplay

Stanley KubrickStanley Kubrickproduttore
Stanley KubrickStanley Kubricksceneggiatore
Diane Johnsonsceneggiatore
Robert Fryerproduttore
Martin Richardsproduttore
Jan Harlanproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Danny LloydDanny Lloyd(età:8)
(Danny Torrance)
Scatman CrothersScatman Crothers(età:70)
(dick hallorann)
Barry NelsonBarry Nelson(età:63)
(stuart ullman)
Jack NicholsonJack Nicholson(età:43)
(Jack Torrance)
Philip StonePhilip Stone(età:56)
(delbert grady)
Shelley DuvallShelley Duvall(età:31)
(Wendy Torrance)
Joe TurkelJoe Turkel(età:53)
Anne JacksonAnne Jackson(età:55)
Tony BurtonTony Burton(età:43)
(larry durkin)
Barry DennenBarry Dennen(età:42)
(bill watson)
Lisa Burns
(una gemella)
Louise Burns
(l'altra gemella)
Lia Beldam
(la giovane donna nel bagno)
Billie Gibson(età:52)
(l'anziana donna nel bagno)
David Baxt
(guardia forestale 1)
Manning Redwood(età:51)
(guardia forestale 2)
Alison Coleridge
Jana Sheldon
Kate Phelps
(signorina informazioni)
Norman Gay
(cliente accidentato)
Jana Shelden(età:35)
Derek Lyons(età:22)
Reg Thomason(età:62)
Guy StandevenGuy Standeven(età:52)
Aileen LewisAileen Lewis(età:66)
Alan Harris(età:42)
Bunny Seaman(età:72)
Lynda Fisher(età:18)

Technical staff

Wendy Carlosmusiche
Gyorgy Ligetimusiche
Ray Lovejoymontatore
John AlcottJohn Alcottdirettore della fotografia
Milena CanoneroMilena Canonerocostumista
Leslie Tomkinsscenografo
Roy Walkerscenografo
James Liggatcasting
Béla BartókBéla Bartókmusiche
Rachel Elkindmusiche
Tom Smithtruccatore
Barbara Dalytruccatore
Leonard parrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1980)