Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the specialist (1994)

Original title: the specialist
Production: USA|110 min|
Action, Thriller, Dramatic


Luis Llosaregista

Production and Screenplay

Alexandra Serossceneggiatore
Jerry WeintraubJerry Weintraubproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Ray Quick
ned trent
James WoodsJames Woods(età:47)
May Munro
Sharon StoneSharon Stone(età:36)
Rod SteigerRod Steiger(età:69)
Eric RobertsEric Roberts(età:38)
Chris Conrad(età:24)

Technical staff

Jack Hofstramontatore
John BarryJohn Barrymusiche
Jeffrey L. Kimballdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1994)