Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Valmont (1989)

Original title: valmont
Production: France, UK, USA|137 min
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Valmont
france before 1789: when a widow hears that her lover is to marry her cousin's daughter, she asks the playboy valmont to take the girl's virginity. but first she bets him, with her body as prize, to seduce a virtuous, young, married woman.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Miloš FormanMiloš Formanregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Hausmanproduttore
Paul Rassamproduttore
Miloš FormanMiloš Formansceneggiatore
Miloš FormanMiloš Formanscrittore
Jean-claude CarrièreJean-claude Carrièresceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Cecile de Volanges
Fairuza BalkFairuza Balk(età:15)
madame De Rosemonde
Fabia Drake(età:85)
madame De Tourvel
Meg TillyMeg Tilly(età:29)
madame de volanges
Sian PhillipsSian Phillips(età:56)
un barone
visconte de valmont
Colin FirthColin Firth(età:29)
marchesa de merteuil
duca de gercourt
Jeffrey JonesJeffrey Jones(età:43)
cavaliere danceny
Henry ThomasHenry Thomas(età:18)
Ronald Lacey(età:54)
Isla BlairIsla Blair(età:45)
Ian Mcneice(età:39)
Daniel Laloux(età:52)
Yvette Petit(età:52)
Eric Moreau(età:27)

Technical staff

Nena Danevicmontatore
Pierre Guffroyscenografo
Alan Heimmontatore
Theodor Ii Pistekcostumista
Paul Leblanctruccatore
Ellen Chenowethcasting
Albert Rajauscenografo
Miroslav OndricekMiroslav Ondricekdirettore della fotografia
Annick Legouttruccatore
Carine Sarfaticostumista
Paul Le marineltruccatore
Pierre Vadéparrucchiere
Loula Morinscenografo
Jean-Pierre Berroyerparrucchiere
Paule Mangenotcostumista
Fabienne Bressantruccatore
Jacqueline Stuffeltruccatore
Sophie Harveytruccatore
Maggie Cartiercasting
Marie-france Vasseltruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)