Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Welcome to the Sticks (2008)

Original title: bienvenue chez les ch'tis
Production: France, USA|106 min
Comedy, Comic, Romantic
Poster of movie Welcome to the Sticks
a french public servant from provence is banished to the far north. strongly prejudiced against this cold and inhospitable place, he leaves his family behind to relocate temporarily there, with the firm intent to quickly come back.
The same story is the basis of the movies:

Festivals and awards

Lumière 2009 - nomination Meilleur acteur
Assigned to: Kad Merad


Dany BoonDany Boonregista

Production and Screenplay

Claude BerriClaude Berriproduttore
Dany BoonDany Boonsceneggiatore
Dany BoonDany Boonscrittore
Alexandre Charlotsceneggiatore
Alexandre Charlotscrittore
Franck Magniersceneggiatore
Franck Magnierdialoghi
Franck Magnierscrittore
Nathalie Rheimsproduttore
Jérôme Seydouxproduttore
Eric Hubertproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

philippe abrams
Kad MeradKad Merad(età:44)
antoine bailleul
Dany BoonDany Boon(età:42)
julie abrams
Zoe FelixZoe Felix(età:32)
annabelle deconninck
Anne MarivinAnne Marivin(età:34)
madre di antoine bailleul
Line RenaudLine Renaud(età:80)
jean fénin
fabrice canoli
yann vandernoout
Guy Lecluyse(età:46)
raphaël abrams
pro-zio di julie
Patrick Bosso(età:46)
Fred Personne(età:76)
isp. lebic
annabelle deconnick
Luciano Turi(età:67)
Jenny CleveJenny Cleve(età:78)

Technical staff

Luc Barniermontatore
Philippe RombiPhilippe Rombimusiche
Pierre AimPierre Aimdirettore della fotografia
Alain Veyssierscenografo
Juliette Martinparrucchiere
Florence Sadaunecostumista
Julie Delordmontatore
Elise Leirescenografo
Elise Leirecasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2008)