Database of cinema, music, history and literature

wittgenstein (1993)

Original title: wittgenstein
Production: UK|75 min|
Dramatic, Historical, Psychological


Derek JarmanDerek Jarmanregista

Production and Screenplay

Derek JarmanDerek Jarmansceneggiatore
Terry Eagletonsceneggiatore
Ken Butlersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Ludwig Wittgenstein
Karl Johnson(età:69)
giovane wittgenstein
Bertrand Russell
Michael GoughMichael Gough(età:77)
leopoldine wittgenstein
Jill Balcon(età:68)
hermine wittgenstein
Sally DexterSally Dexter(età:33)
gretyl wittgenstein
helene wittgenstein
hans wittgenstein
kurt wittgenstein
rudolf wittgenstein
paul wittgenstein
Nabil ShabanNabil Shaban(età:40)
lady ottoline morrell
Tilda SwintonTilda Swinton(età:32)
john maynard keynes
lydia lopokova
Lynn Seymour(età:54)
tony peake tutor
michelle wade tutor
tanya wade tutor
roger cook tutor
anna campeau tutor
mike o'pray tutor

Technical staff

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1993)