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Serie TV: Dallas, Season 1989-1990 (1989)


 Season Episodes

27 Episodes:

4) Ka-Booooom!
8) Black Tide
10) Hell's Fury
14) Judgment Day
17) After Midnight
18) The Crucible
20) Paradise Lost
21) Will Power
23) Jessica Redux
24) Family Plot


Irving j. Moore [7 Episodes]
Patrick DuffyPatrick Duffy [4 Episodes]
Michael PreeceMichael Preece [4 Episodes]
Larry HagmanLarry Hagman [3 Episodes]
Leonard KatzmanLeonard Katzman [3 Episodes]
Cliff Fenneman [3 Episodes]
Dwight Adair [2 Episodes]
Ken KerchevalKen Kercheval [1 Episodes]


Larry HagmanLarry Hagman  (J.r. Ewing)[27 Episodes]
Patrick DuffyPatrick Duffy  (Bobby Ewing)[27 Episodes]
Ken KerchevalKen Kercheval  (Cliff Barnes)[27 Episodes]
Kimberly FosterKimberly Foster  [27 Episodes]
Cathy PodewellCathy Podewell  [27 Episodes]
Howard KeelHoward Keel  [27 Episodes]
Sheree J. WilsonSheree J. Wilson  [27 Episodes]
George KennedyGeorge Kennedy  [27 Episodes]
Charlene TiltonCharlene Tilton  (Lucy Ewing)[26 Episodes]
Sasha MitchellSasha Mitchell  [23 Episodes]
Sherril lynn RettinoSherril lynn Rettino  [22 Episodes]
Deborah RennardDeborah Rennard  [21 Episodes]
Danone CamdenDanone Camden  [19 Episodes]
Deborah TranelliDeborah Tranelli  [18 Episodes]
Deborah marie Taylor  [16 Episodes]
Joshua HarrisJoshua Harris  [14 Episodes]
Omri KatzOmri Katz  [14 Episodes]
Lesley-anne DownLesley-anne Down  [13 Episodes]
Pat ColbertPat Colbert  [8 Episodes]
Michael wilding Jr.  [8 Episodes]
Jeri GaileJeri Gaile  [7 Episodes]
John william Hoge  [6 Episodes]
Roseanna ChristiansenRoseanna Christiansen  [6 Episodes]
Stephanie Blackmore  [5 Episodes]
Eddie J.peck  [5 Episodes]
Daryl keith Roach  [5 Episodes]
Archie Lang  [5 Episodes]
John LarchJohn Larch  [5 Episodes]
Leslie BevisLeslie Bevis  [5 Episodes]
Joey Aresco  [5 Episodes]
Bill Mcintyre  [5 Episodes]
Cliff Bemis  [4 Episodes]
Lance LegaultLance Legault  [4 Episodes]
Richard Narita  [4 Episodes]
Fred Holliday  [4 Episodes]
Don GallowayDon Galloway  [4 Episodes]
J.Jay Saunders  [4 Episodes]
Margaret Michaels  [4 Episodes]
K CallanK Callan  [4 Episodes]
Jack Rader  [4 Episodes]
Alexis SmithAlexis Smith  [4 Episodes]
Kirk Scott  [3 Episodes]
Gayle HunnicuttGayle Hunnicutt  [3 Episodes]
Shana Ballard  [3 Episodes]
George PetrieGeorge Petrie  [3 Episodes]
Karen KopinsKaren Kopins  [3 Episodes]
Barbara Stock  [3 Episodes]
Fern FitzgeraldFern Fitzgerald  [3 Episodes]
Jerry Potter  [3 Episodes]
Michael Keenan  [2 Episodes]
Nancy Priddy  [2 Episodes]
Shawn Modrell  [2 Episodes]
Stephen Mendel  [2 Episodes]
Zane LaskyZane Lasky  [2 Episodes]
Claude Earl Jones  [2 Episodes]
Shannon WilcoxShannon Wilcox  [2 Episodes]
Aleen Leslie  [2 Episodes]
Harold GouldHarold Gould  [2 Episodes]
Ben Rawnsley  [2 Episodes]
Teddy Wilson  [2 Episodes]
William Forward  [2 Episodes]
Gloria HenryGloria Henry  [2 Episodes]
Arthur MaletArthur Malet  [2 Episodes]
Denver PyleDenver Pyle  [2 Episodes]
Dick Mcgarvin  [2 Episodes]
Eddie FirestoneEddie Firestone  [2 Episodes]
Marty Schiff  [2 Episodes]
Bob HarksBob Harks  [2 Episodes]
Nora Masterson  [2 Episodes]
Taaffe O'connellTaaffe O'connell  [2 Episodes]
James Newell  [2 Episodes]
Larry Gurney jr.  [2 Episodes]
Matthew Faison  [2 Episodes]
Ron CanadaRon Canada  [2 Episodes]
Liam Sullivan  [2 Episodes]
Lee De brouxLee De broux  [2 Episodes]
Hugh Maguire  [2 Episodes]
Michael francis Clarke  [2 Episodes]
Hal Riddle  [2 Episodes]
Evelyn Guerrero  [2 Episodes]
Len Wayland  [2 Episodes]
Duane Davis  [2 Episodes]
Tom Mcfadden  [2 Episodes]
Quinn O'hara  [2 Episodes]
Dan Gerrity  [1 Episodes]
John Shepard  [1 Episodes]
Ed Berke  [1 Episodes]
David Wiley  [1 Episodes]
Joe Faust  [1 Episodes]
Louis a. Rivera  [1 Episodes]
Jay Gerber  [1 Episodes]
Barbara Perry  [1 Episodes]
Audre Johnston  [1 Episodes]
Ken SmolkaKen Smolka  [1 Episodes]
Paul EidingPaul Eiding  [1 Episodes]
Tony Rizzoli  [1 Episodes]
Danny Goldring  [1 Episodes]
Jan MerlinJan Merlin  [1 Episodes]
Al PuglieseAl Pugliese  [1 Episodes]
Charlie Stratton  [1 Episodes]
Frank Papia  [1 Episodes]
Audrey LandersAudrey Landers  [1 Episodes]
Hank RolikeHank Rolike  [1 Episodes]
Art k. Koustik  [1 Episodes]
Tom Hutchinson  [1 Episodes]
Patti Been  [1 Episodes]
Scott Larose  [1 Episodes]
Dianne Travis  [1 Episodes]
Jeff Skier  [1 Episodes]
Bruce GrayBruce Gray  [1 Episodes]
Anne Gee byrdAnne Gee byrd  [1 Episodes]
Ken ForeeKen Foree  [1 Episodes]
Freddie Dawson  [1 Episodes]
James Edward Thomas  [1 Episodes]
Pierre Manasse  [1 Episodes]
Gisela Kovach  [1 Episodes]
Rick Johnson  [1 Episodes]
Layla Bias galloway  [1 Episodes]
Deprise Brescia  [1 Episodes]
Gordon Greene  [1 Episodes]
Ron Ray  [1 Episodes]
Robert Pierce  [1 Episodes]
Sylvia Brooks  [1 Episodes]
Eugene Robert GlazerEugene Robert Glazer  [1 Episodes]
John Tripp  [1 Episodes]
Barney Mcfadden  [1 Episodes]
Katsy Chappell  [1 Episodes]
Kurt Andon  [1 Episodes]
Cameron  [1 Episodes]
Mary D'arcy  [1 Episodes]
Ed Quinlan  [1 Episodes]
Biff YeagerBiff Yeager  [1 Episodes]
Craig Littler  [1 Episodes]
Tessa RichardeTessa Richarde  [1 Episodes]
Gerald Castillo  [1 Episodes]
Chris Weatherhead  [1 Episodes]
Charles Cooper  [1 Episodes]
Bea SilvernBea Silvern  [1 Episodes]
Dennis Robertson  [1 Episodes]
Paul Ivy  [1 Episodes]
Tom Lahm  [1 Episodes]
Don StarrDon Starr  [1 Episodes]
Del Hinkley  [1 Episodes]
Dan BiggersDan Biggers  [1 Episodes]
Jon Menick  [1 Episodes]
Matt MckenzieMatt Mckenzie  [1 Episodes]
Mario Beron  [1 Episodes]
Henry Kaiser  [1 Episodes]
Charles Kahlenberg  [1 Episodes]
Harri James  [1 Episodes]
John Mahon  [1 Episodes]
Buck YoungBuck Young  [1 Episodes]
J. t. O'connor  [1 Episodes]
Mick Regan  [1 Episodes]
Gunnar Hellström  [1 Episodes]
Tom Fuccello  [1 Episodes]
Alf Powers  [1 Episodes]
Claudette NevinsClaudette Nevins  [1 Episodes]
Tom Finnegan  [1 Episodes]
Joseph G. medalis  [1 Episodes]
James Bartz  [1 Episodes]
Andrew PrineAndrew Prine  [1 Episodes]
Eric Poppick  [1 Episodes]
Stephen Flanigan  [1 Episodes]
Lisa Sloan  [1 Episodes]
Roger La rue  [1 Episodes]
Mitch PileggiMitch Pileggi  [1 Episodes]
Craig Richard Nelson  [1 Episodes]
Spencer GarrettSpencer Garrett  [1 Episodes]
Daniel Wilson  [1 Episodes]
Gene Knight  [1 Episodes]
Ken Katsumoto  [1 Episodes]
Gregory WalcottGregory Walcott  [1 Episodes]
Brittain Frye  [1 Episodes]
Bill Saito  [1 Episodes]
Beth ToussaintBeth Toussaint  [1 Episodes]
Armand Asselin  [1 Episodes]
Drew Pillsbury  [1 Episodes]
Carla Beachcomber  [1 Episodes]
Troy EvansTroy Evans  [1 Episodes]
Andrew Amador  [1 Episodes]
James Harper  [1 Episodes]
Gay Hagen  [1 Episodes]
Dan Livingston  [1 Episodes]
Patty Toy  [1 Episodes]
Julian GambleJulian Gamble  [1 Episodes]
Read MorganRead Morgan  [1 Episodes]
Rueben Grundy  [1 Episodes]
Barbara Beckley  [1 Episodes]
Paige Pengra  [1 Episodes]
Chuck HicksChuck Hicks  [1 Episodes]
John Gowans  [1 Episodes]
Timothy O'hagan  [1 Episodes]
Ellen GeerEllen Geer  [1 Episodes]
Stephen LandisStephen Landis  [1 Episodes]
John ColtonJohn Colton  [1 Episodes]
Patrick Cronin  [1 Episodes]
John Mckinney  [1 Episodes]
Marla MaplesMarla Maples  [1 Episodes]
Sally Champlin  [1 Episodes]