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Serie TV: Dallas, Season 1982-1983 (1982)


 Season Episodes

28 Episodes:

4) The Big Ball
5) Jock's Will
6) Aftermath
7) Hit and Run
10) The Wedding
11) Post Nuptial
12) Barbecue Three
13) Mama Dearest
14) The Ewing Blues
15) The Reckoning
17) Crash of '83
18) Requiem
19) Legacy
22) The Sting
24) Cuba Libre
25) Tangled Web
27) Penultimate
28) Ewing Inferno


Leonard KatzmanLeonard Katzman [7 Episodes]
Michael PreeceMichael Preece [6 Episodes]
Patrick DuffyPatrick Duffy [3 Episodes]
Larry HagmanLarry Hagman [3 Episodes]
Bill DukeBill Duke [2 Episodes]
Nicholas Sgarro [1 Episodes]
Ernest Pintoff [1 Episodes]
Larry Elikann [1 Episodes]
Robert C.thompson [1 Episodes]
David Paulsen [1 Episodes]
Gunnar Hellström [1 Episodes]
Nick Havinga [1 Episodes]


Larry HagmanLarry Hagman  (J.r. Ewing)[28 Episodes]
Patrick DuffyPatrick Duffy  (Bobby Ewing)[28 Episodes]
Charlene TiltonCharlene Tilton  (Lucy Ewing)[28 Episodes]
Steve KanalySteve Kanaly  (Ray Krebbs)[28 Episodes]
Ken KerchevalKen Kercheval  (Cliff Barnes)[28 Episodes]
Susan Howard  [28 Episodes]
Audrey LandersAudrey Landers  [26 Episodes]
Howard KeelHoward Keel  [24 Episodes]
Lois ChilesLois Chiles  [22 Episodes]
Timothy Patrick MurphyTimothy Patrick Murphy  [21 Episodes]
Roseanna ChristiansenRoseanna Christiansen  [19 Episodes]
Deborah RennardDeborah Rennard  [18 Episodes]
Priscilla PointerPriscilla Pointer  [18 Episodes]
Deborah TranelliDeborah Tranelli  [17 Episodes]
Don StarrDon Starr  [17 Episodes]
Morgan WoodwardMorgan Woodward  [16 Episodes]
Fern FitzgeraldFern Fitzgerald  [15 Episodes]
Danone CamdenDanone Camden  [14 Episodes]
John BeckJohn Beck  [13 Episodes]
Alice HirsonAlice Hirson  [11 Episodes]
Ben Piazza  [11 Episodes]
Kenneth KimminsKenneth Kimmins  [10 Episodes]
Paul SorensenPaul Sorensen  [10 Episodes]
Tyler Banks  [10 Episodes]
Morgan BrittanyMorgan Brittany  [10 Episodes]
Kate ReidKate Reid  [8 Episodes]
Tom Fuccello  [7 Episodes]
George PetrieGeorge Petrie  [7 Episodes]
John Reilly  [6 Episodes]
Arlen Dean snyderArlen Dean snyder  [6 Episodes]
Dale RobertsonDale Robertson  [5 Episodes]
Paul CarrPaul Carr  [4 Episodes]
Mary Armstrong  [4 Episodes]
Lacy Wayne  [4 Episodes]
Robert Pinkerton  [4 Episodes]
Luci-Lynn Norris  [4 Episodes]
Charles NapierCharles Napier  [4 Episodes]
Jim Weston  [3 Episodes]
Fay HauserFay Hauser  [3 Episodes]
James BrownJames Brown  [3 Episodes]
Ray WiseRay Wise  [3 Episodes]
Albert SalmiAlbert Salmi  [3 Episodes]
Karlene Crockett  [3 Episodes]
Johnny Walker  [3 Episodes]
Nicholas HammondNicholas Hammond  [3 Episodes]
Donald MoffatDonald Moffat  [3 Episodes]
Gary E. daniel  [3 Episodes]
Bob HarksBob Harks  [3 Episodes]
Glenn Davis  [3 Episodes]
James KarenJames Karen  [3 Episodes]
Julio Medina  [3 Episodes]
Charles Escamilla  [3 Episodes]
Bobbie Ferguson  [3 Episodes]
E. J. André  [3 Episodes]
J. Patrick Mcnamara  [3 Episodes]
Maria Melendez  [2 Episodes]
Deborah VoorheesDeborah Voorhees  [2 Episodes]
Stephanie Blackmore  [2 Episodes]
Jordan Daniels  [2 Episodes]
Kristin LarkinKristin Larkin  [2 Episodes]
Robert Ackerman  [2 Episodes]
Donald Bishop  [2 Episodes]
Jeanne Evans  [2 Episodes]
April CloughApril Clough  [2 Episodes]
Jack Collins  [2 Episodes]
Phyllis Flax  [2 Episodes]
John ZarembaJohn Zaremba  [2 Episodes]
John LarroquetteJohn Larroquette  [2 Episodes]
Santos Morales  [2 Episodes]
Carol Sanchez  [2 Episodes]
Eric Farlow  [2 Episodes]
John AndersonJohn Anderson  [2 Episodes]
William BryantWilliam Bryant  [2 Episodes]
Barry CorbinBarry Corbin  [2 Episodes]
Parley BaerParley Baer  [2 Episodes]
Tom Mcfadden  [2 Episodes]
Henry DarrowHenry Darrow  [2 Episodes]
Jared MartinJared Martin  (Dusty farlow)[1 Episodes]
Eric Fleeks  [1 Episodes]
Michele Rusheene  [1 Episodes]
Biff YeagerBiff Yeager  [1 Episodes]
Mary Linda Phillips  [1 Episodes]
Thomas Thomas  [1 Episodes]
Doug Mcgrath  [1 Episodes]
Paul ManteePaul Mantee  [1 Episodes]
Rita Rogers  [1 Episodes]
Dennis HolahanDennis Holahan  [1 Episodes]
Tom Tarpey  [1 Episodes]
Thomas BabsonThomas Babson  [1 Episodes]
David Sanderson  [1 Episodes]
Tom Rosqui  [1 Episodes]
Russ Marin  [1 Episodes]
Norman Bennett  [1 Episodes]
Gregg Howard  [1 Episodes]
Alice Ferris  [1 Episodes]
Aarika Wells  [1 Episodes]
Wendy Becker  [1 Episodes]
Myrna White  [1 Episodes]
Adam Taylor  [1 Episodes]
Hal Fletcher  [1 Episodes]
Douglas Robinson  [1 Episodes]
Sam Defazio  [1 Episodes]
Denis J. zacker  [1 Episodes]
Morgan Jones  [1 Episodes]
Frederick Menslage  [1 Episodes]
Ted ShackelfordTed Shackelford  [1 Episodes]
Martha SmithMartha Smith  [1 Episodes]
Richard Lockmiller  [1 Episodes]
Susan Saldivar  [1 Episodes]
Jon CypherJon Cypher  [1 Episodes]
Marnie Mosiman  [1 Episodes]
Danny Tolkan  [1 Episodes]
Laurence HaddonLaurence Haddon  [1 Episodes]
Ed Holmes  [1 Episodes]
Chuck HicksChuck Hicks  [1 Episodes]
Robert G. denison  [1 Episodes]
Milton James  [1 Episodes]
Delores Cantú  [1 Episodes]
Pel Norris  [1 Episodes]
Joan StaleyJoan Staley  [1 Episodes]
Jack Eiseman  [1 Episodes]
John DennisJohn Dennis  [1 Episodes]
Marsha Haynes  [1 Episodes]
Shanette Eckols  [1 Episodes]
Melody AndersonMelody Anderson  [1 Episodes]
Donald Craig  [1 Episodes]
Kristi Ferrell  [1 Episodes]
John CarterJohn Carter  [1 Episodes]
T.j.kennedy  [1 Episodes]
Karen Radcliffe  [1 Episodes]
Hal Bokar  [1 Episodes]
Jerry Biggs  [1 Episodes]
Cynthia Janos  [1 Episodes]
Robert ClarkeRobert Clarke  [1 Episodes]
Tony Hillerman  [1 Episodes]
Kimberly Ross  [1 Episodes]
John Gowans  [1 Episodes]
Buddy Farmer  [1 Episodes]
Jane D'auvray  [1 Episodes]
Britt LeachBritt Leach  [1 Episodes]
Conrad BachmannConrad Bachmann  [1 Episodes]
Ken Phillips  [1 Episodes]
Jeanne Anderson  [1 Episodes]
Dennis LipscombDennis Lipscomb  [1 Episodes]
Jack Dunlop  [1 Episodes]
Phil Hoover  [1 Episodes]
Bill Conklin  [1 Episodes]
Dulcie Jordan  [1 Episodes]
Peter HobbsPeter Hobbs  [1 Episodes]
Bill ZuckertBill Zuckert  [1 Episodes]
Pat ColbertPat Colbert  [1 Episodes]
Michael Prince  [1 Episodes]
Joe MarossJoe Maross  [1 Episodes]
Rodger Boyce  [1 Episodes]
Cheri Maugans  [1 Episodes]
James Emery  [1 Episodes]
John Devlin  [1 Episodes]
Daryl Wood  [1 Episodes]
Marilyn Staley  [1 Episodes]
Jacqueline Ray  [1 Episodes]
Joey Sheck  [1 Episodes]
Jack Portman  [1 Episodes]
Erwin Fuller  [1 Episodes]
Lori Mcginley  [1 Episodes]
Charles WaldronCharles Waldron  [1 Episodes]
Ray WalkerRay Walker  [1 Episodes]
Hansford Rowe  [1 Episodes]
Don DiamondDon Diamond  [1 Episodes]
Ken Farmer  [1 Episodes]
Gloria Hayes  [1 Episodes]
Randi Davis  [1 Episodes]
Richard Kuss  [1 Episodes]
Christopher Templeton  [1 Episodes]
John Doolittle  [1 Episodes]
Sheila Bird  [1 Episodes]
Peyton E. park  [1 Episodes]
Lane DaviesLane Davies  [1 Episodes]
Patricia Richarde  [1 Episodes]
John Ingle  [1 Episodes]
J.p.bumsteadJ.p.bumstead  [1 Episodes]
Robert Burleigh  [1 Episodes]
Pamela Bowman  [1 Episodes]
Palmer Scott  [1 Episodes]
Lawrence MontaigneLawrence Montaigne  [1 Episodes]
Ryan MacdonaldRyan Macdonald  [1 Episodes]
Patrick Dollaghan  [1 Episodes]
Robert Swick  [1 Episodes]
Ivan BonarIvan Bonar  [1 Episodes]
Joseph Miller  [1 Episodes]
Robert Chapman  [1 Episodes]
Esther Mccarroll  [1 Episodes]
David Clover  [1 Episodes]
Bob HerronBob Herron  [1 Episodes]
William H. burkett  [1 Episodes]
John McKenzie  [1 Episodes]
Frank MarthFrank Marth  [1 Episodes]
Michael CurrieMichael Currie  [1 Episodes]
John Scott  [1 Episodes]
Gilles Kohler  [1 Episodes]
Al Berry  [1 Episodes]
Terrence BeasorTerrence Beasor  [1 Episodes]
George CooperGeorge Cooper  [1 Episodes]
Fred Carney  [1 Episodes]
Gerry Gibson  [1 Episodes]
Kiva Lawrence  [1 Episodes]
Steven Kelley  [1 Episodes]
Al CheccoAl Checco  [1 Episodes]
William Bassett  [1 Episodes]
Hart Sprager  [1 Episodes]
Karen Fredrik  [1 Episodes]
Cindy Landis  [1 Episodes]
Sheila Frazier  [1 Episodes]
Josef Rainer  [1 Episodes]
Lynn Howerton  [1 Episodes]
Ron Ellington shy  [1 Episodes]
John Bliss  [1 Episodes]
Kirk Scott  [1 Episodes]
Tami Barber  [1 Episodes]
Julia Calderon  [1 Episodes]
Nate Esformes  [1 Episodes]
Ben Hartigan  [1 Episodes]
Charles WalkerCharles Walker  [1 Episodes]
Ed Berke  [1 Episodes]
Irene Borg  [1 Episodes]
Barbara Treutelaar  [1 Episodes]
Rita Crafts  [1 Episodes]
Robin Strand  [1 Episodes]
Kurt Woodruff  [1 Episodes]
Michael CornelisonMichael Cornelison  [1 Episodes]
Harold Suggs  [1 Episodes]
J. David moeller  [1 Episodes]