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Serie TV: Dallas, Season 1979-1980 (1979)


 Season Episodes

25 Episodes:

4) Secrets
6) The Dove Hunt
8) Rodeo
11) The Heiress
16) Power Play
17) Paternity Suit
18) Jenna's Return
20) Second Thoughts
25) A House Divided


Irving j. Moore [10 Episodes]
Leonard KatzmanLeonard Katzman [7 Episodes]
Gunnar Hellström [2 Episodes]
Alexander Singer [2 Episodes]
Leslie H. Martinson [2 Episodes]
Larry HagmanLarry Hagman [1 Episodes]
Harry Harris [1 Episodes]


Larry HagmanLarry Hagman  (J.r. Ewing)[25 Episodes]
Patrick DuffyPatrick Duffy  (Bobby Ewing)[25 Episodes]
Charlene TiltonCharlene Tilton  (Lucy Ewing)[25 Episodes]
Steve KanalySteve Kanaly  (Ray Krebbs)[25 Episodes]
Ken KerchevalKen Kercheval  (Cliff Barnes)[25 Episodes]
Jim DavisJim Davis  (Jock Ewing)[25 Episodes]
Mary CrosbyMary Crosby  (Kristin Shepard)[20 Episodes]
Randy Powell  (Alan Beam)[17 Episodes]
Jeanna Michaels  [16 Episodes]
Keenan WynnKeenan Wynn  [10 Episodes]
Jeff Cooper  [9 Episodes]
Meg Gallagher  [7 Episodes]
Jared MartinJared Martin  (Dusty farlow)[6 Episodes]
Dennis PatrickDennis Patrick  [6 Episodes]
George PetrieGeorge Petrie  [5 Episodes]
Don StarrDon Starr  [5 Episodes]
Barry CorbinBarry Corbin  [4 Episodes]
Karlene Crockett  [4 Episodes]
Don PorterDon Porter  [4 Episodes]
Susan Howard  [4 Episodes]
Jocelyn BrandoJocelyn Brando  [4 Episodes]
Stephanie Blackmore  [4 Episodes]
Joan Lancaster  [4 Episodes]
John ZarembaJohn Zaremba  [4 Episodes]
Paul SorensenPaul Sorensen  [3 Episodes]
Christopher Coffey  [3 Episodes]
Laura JohnsonLaura Johnson  [3 Episodes]
Nicolas CosterNicolas Coster  [2 Episodes]
Joan Van arkJoan Van ark  [2 Episodes]
Ken Farmer  [2 Episodes]
Joe Bratcher  [2 Episodes]
Francine Tacker  [2 Episodes]
Sandy WardSandy Ward  [2 Episodes]
John AshtonJohn Ashton  [2 Episodes]
William Bassett  [2 Episodes]
Fern FitzgeraldFern Fitzgerald  [2 Episodes]
Ron HayesRon Hayes  [2 Episodes]
John Hart (attore)John Hart (attore)  [2 Episodes]
Mel FerrerMel Ferrer  [2 Episodes]
Tom Fuccello  [2 Episodes]
Martha ScottMartha Scott  [2 Episodes]
Joan Welles  [2 Episodes]
Robert Magruder  [2 Episodes]
Robert Ackerman  [2 Episodes]
Kale Browne  [2 Episodes]
Susan Keller  [2 Episodes]
Sarah Cunningham  [2 Episodes]
Jacqui Compton  [2 Episodes]
David Cryer  [2 Episodes]
Cliff Murdock  [2 Episodes]
James BrownJames Brown  [2 Episodes]
Sheila LarkenSheila Larken  [2 Episodes]
Chuck HicksChuck Hicks  [1 Episodes]
Debi Storm  [1 Episodes]
James Phipps  [1 Episodes]
Ann NelsonAnn Nelson  [1 Episodes]
Eva Miller  [1 Episodes]
Geoffrey ScottGeoffrey Scott  [1 Episodes]
Byron Clark  [1 Episodes]
Peyton E. park  [1 Episodes]
Rebecca Hollen  [1 Episodes]
Isabel Cooley  [1 Episodes]
Hans Howes  [1 Episodes]
Robert Buckingham  [1 Episodes]
Daryle ann Lindley  [1 Episodes]
Robert J. WilkeRobert J. Wilke  [1 Episodes]
Mickey Cherney  [1 Episodes]
Jan Stratton  [1 Episodes]
Dee Timberlake  [1 Episodes]
Alex Harvey  [1 Episodes]
Ted JordanTed Jordan  [1 Episodes]
Jane Kean  [1 Episodes]
Dan Priest  [1 Episodes]
Kenneth Barry  [1 Episodes]
Darren w. Conrad  [1 Episodes]
Barbara BabcockBarbara Babcock  [1 Episodes]
Jimmy Weldon  [1 Episodes]
Terry Lester  [1 Episodes]
Alba Francesca  [1 Episodes]
Michael Prince  [1 Episodes]
Christopher Skinner  [1 Episodes]
Charles Cooper  [1 Episodes]
James Chandler  [1 Episodes]
E. J. André  [1 Episodes]
Ronnie Scribner  [1 Episodes]
Larry Tanner  [1 Episodes]
Robert Rockwell  [1 Episodes]
Michael Dan wagner  [1 Episodes]
Joanne Astrow  [1 Episodes]
Walter O. miles  [1 Episodes]
Tom Spratley  [1 Episodes]
Eda Zahl  [1 Episodes]
Jack Ramage  [1 Episodes]
Barbara TarbuckBarbara Tarbuck  [1 Episodes]
Faith Quabius  [1 Episodes]
Victor Rogers  [1 Episodes]
Cal Crenshaw  [1 Episodes]
Stephen ElliottStephen Elliott  [1 Episodes]
William Watson (attore)  [1 Episodes]
J. t. O'connor  [1 Episodes]
D.j. Sullivan  [1 Episodes]
Mike Fortman  [1 Episodes]
Marcus Chong  [1 Episodes]
Michael Horsley  [1 Episodes]
Holly Smith  [1 Episodes]
Micheal Rougas  [1 Episodes]
Woody EneyWoody Eney  [1 Episodes]
Carolyn Coates  [1 Episodes]
Geoffrey R. smith  [1 Episodes]
Ted ShackelfordTed Shackelford  [1 Episodes]
Karrie Emerson  [1 Episodes]
Ed Kenney  [1 Episodes]
Robin Haynes  [1 Episodes]
Jarvais Hudson  [1 Episodes]
Brian Libby  [1 Episodes]
Jordan CharneyJordan Charney  [1 Episodes]
Fred Lerner  [1 Episodes]
Ted MarklandTed Markland  [1 Episodes]
John Christy Ewing  [1 Episodes]
Dennis HolahanDennis Holahan  [1 Episodes]
Al Hopson  [1 Episodes]
Bobbie Ferguson  [1 Episodes]
Liz Ingleson  [1 Episodes]
Andra Akers  [1 Episodes]
Joel Lawrence  [1 Episodes]
Robert Curtin  [1 Episodes]
Robert Phalen  [1 Episodes]
Lesley WoodsLesley Woods  [1 Episodes]
Tom Regan  [1 Episodes]
John O'LearyJohn O'Leary  [1 Episodes]
Med FloryMed Flory  [1 Episodes]
Martina DeignanMartina Deignan  [1 Episodes]
Maryedith BurrellMaryedith Burrell  [1 Episodes]
Don Furneaux  [1 Episodes]
Georgann JohnsonGeorgann Johnson  [1 Episodes]
Jane D'auvray  [1 Episodes]
Eugene Jackson  [1 Episodes]
Michael CrabtreeMichael Crabtree  [1 Episodes]
Stanley Grover  [1 Episodes]
Billy Streater  [1 Episodes]
Sherril lynn RettinoSherril lynn Rettino  [1 Episodes]
Ken Scott  [1 Episodes]
Lawrence Bame  [1 Episodes]
Penni Pearson  [1 Episodes]
Stefan GieraschStefan Gierasch  [1 Episodes]
Thomas Callaway  [1 Episodes]
Stephen keep MillsStephen keep Mills  [1 Episodes]
Maureen Lee  [1 Episodes]
Hugh Gorrian  [1 Episodes]
Walker EdmistonWalker Edmiston  [1 Episodes]
Warren MunsonWarren Munson  [1 Episodes]