Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Silver Ribbon 2008 (june 14, 2008)

the silver ribbon is a cinematographic award awarded by the national syndicate of italian film journalists (sngci) since 1946.

Edition number 63 of the event; awards assigned:

Regista del miglior film

poster del film Her Whole Life Ahead
  for the movie Her Whole Life Ahead
Assigned to
Paolo Virzì
nominations for the movie :

Migliore attore non protagonista

poster del film Quiet Chaos
  for the movie Quiet Chaos
Assigned to
Alessandro Gassmann
nominations for the movie :

Migliore colonna sonora

poster del film Quiet Chaos
  for the movie Quiet Chaos
Assigned to
Paolo Buonvino
nominations for the movie :

Migliori costumi

poster del film I Viceré
  for the movie I Viceré
Assigned to
Milena Canonero
nominations for the movie :

Miglior regista esordiente

poster del film The Girl by the Lake
  for the movie The Girl by the Lake
Assigned to
Andrea Molaioli
nominations for the movie :

Premio Guglielmo Biraghi

poster del film Her Whole Life Ahead
  for the movie Her Whole Life Ahead
Assigned to
Isabella Ragonese
poster del film La giusta distanza
  for the movie La giusta distanza
Assigned to
Valentina Lodovini
poster del film Lessons in Chocolate
  for the movie Lessons in Chocolate
Assigned to
Luca Argentero
poster del film grande, grosso e... verdone
  for the movie grande, grosso e... verdone
Assigned to
Andrea Miglio risi