Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Silver Ribbon 2010 (june 19, 2010)

the silver ribbon is a cinematographic award awarded by the national syndicate of italian film journalists (sngci) since 1946.

Edition number 65 of the event; awards assigned:

Migliore film extraeuropeo

poster del film Inglourious Basterds
  for the movie Inglourious Basterds
nominations for the movie :

Migliore attore non protagonista

poster del film Il figlio più piccolo
  for the movie Il figlio più piccolo
Assigned to
Luca Zingaretti
poster del film Mine vaganti
  for the movie Mine vaganti
Assigned to
Ennio Fantastichini
poster del film La nostra vita
  for the movie La nostra vita
Assigned to
Luca Zingaretti
nominations for the movie :

Migliore scenografia

poster del film The Man Who Will Come
  for the movie The Man Who Will Come
Assigned to
Giancarlo Basili
nominations for the movie :

Migliore montaggio

poster del film Happy Family
  for the movie Happy Family
Assigned to
Massimo Fiocchi
poster del film Lo spazio bianco
  for the movie Lo spazio bianco
Assigned to
Massimo Fiocchi
nominations for the movie :

Migliore sonoro in presa diretta

poster del film La nostra vita
  for the movie La nostra vita
Assigned to
Bruno Pupparo
poster del film The Man Who Will Come
  for the movie The Man Who Will Come
Assigned to
Carlo Missidenti
nominations for the movie :

Miglior regista esordiente

poster del film Basilicata Coast to Coast
  for the movie Basilicata Coast to Coast
Assigned to
Rocco Papaleo
poster del film 10 inverni
  for the movie 10 inverni
Assigned to
Valerio Mieli
nominations for the movie :

Migliore film in 3D

poster del film Avatar
  for the movie Avatar
nominations for the movie :

Nastro d'argento europeo

poster del film I Am Love
  for the movie I Am Love
Assigned to
Tilda Swinton
poster del film Welcome
  for the movie Welcome
Assigned to
Vincent Lindon