Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Sea Inside (2004)

Original title: mar adentro
Production: France, Italy, Spain|126 min
Dramatic, Historical
Poster of movie The Sea Inside
ramon was bedridden for thirty years, cared for by his family. the window of his room is his only window on the world, the view is on that sea that has so often plowed; that sea in which he had the accident that severed his youth. since then, his only desire is to end his life in a dignified manner. his world is turned upside down by the arrival of two women: julia, the lawyer who supports him in his battle to end his life in the way that seems most appropriate to him, and rosa, a woman of the village, who tries to convince him that after all it is better to continue living. both women are overwhelmed by ramon's endearing personality, and find themselves having to question all the principles that have governed their lives up to that point. ramon knows that only someone who truly loves him will help him face his last journey.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Andrea OcchipintiAndrea Occhipintiproduttore
Mateo GilMateo Gilsceneggiatore
Mateo GilMateo Gilscrittore
Fernando Bovairaproduttore
Emiliano Oteguiproduttore
Alejandro AmenabarAlejandro Amenabarproduttore
Alejandro AmenabarAlejandro Amenabarsceneggiatore
Alejandro AmenabarAlejandro Amenabarscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Alberto AmarillaAlberto Amarilla(età:24)
Clara SeguraClara Segura(età:30)
Tamar NovasTamar Novas(età:18)
Joan DalmauJoan Dalmau(età:77)
Belen RuedaBelen Rueda(età:39)
Mabel Riveira
Francesc GarridoFrancesc Garrido(età:35)
José Maria Pou
(padre Francisco)
Lola DuenasLola Duenas(età:33)
Andrea OcchipintiAndrea Occhipinti(età:47)
Javier BardemJavier Bardem(età:35)
(ramón sampedro)
Mabel Rivera(età:52)

Technical staff

James Allentruccatore
Sonia Grandecostumista
Emiliano Oteguidirettore di produzione
Ricardo Steinbergtecnico del suono
Jo Allentruccatore
Mara Collazoparrucchiere
David Martítruccatore
Javier Aguirresarobedirettore della fotografia
Benjamin Fernandezscenografo
Manolo Garcíatruccatore
Alejandro AmenabarAlejandro Amenabarmontatore
Iván Aledomontatore
Emilio Arduraarredatore
Juan Ferrotecnico del suono
María Steinbergtecnico del suono
Ana Urosatruccatore
Manolo Garcã­aparrucchiere
Chris Fitzgeraldtruccatore
Carlos Montosatruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)

Paolo VivioPaolo Vivio Voice of Javier