Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the smurfs (2011)

Original title: the smurfs
Production: Belgium, USA|103 min
Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy
Poster of movie the smurfs
This movie is episode 1 of the series smurfs composed by:


Raja GosnellRaja Gosnellregista

Production and Screenplay

Jay Schericksceneggiatore
David Ronnsceneggiatore
David N. Weisssceneggiatore
J. David stemsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

patrick winslow
Grace Winslow
Jayma MaysJayma Mays(età:32)
Hank AzariaHank Azaria(età:47)
odile anjelou
Tim GunnTim Gunn(età:58)
grande puffo
puffo narratore
Henry GibsonHenry Gibson(età:76)
Alan CummingAlan Cumming(età:46)
Paul ReubensPaul Reubens(età:59)
Hamilton CampHamilton Camp(età:77)
Simone MoriSimone Mori(età:46)
Anton YelchinAnton Yelchin(età:22)
George LopezGeorge Lopez(età:50)
Fred ArmisenFred Armisen(età:45)
Katy PerryKaty Perry(età:27)
John OliverJohn Oliver(età:34)

Technical staff

Phil MeheuxPhil Meheuxdirettore della fotografia
Rita Ryackcostumista
Heitor PereiraHeitor Pereiramusiche
Regina Gravesscenografo
Sabrina Pliscomontatore
Elise De bloisscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2011)

Massimo CorizzaMassimo Corizza Voice of birba
Gianni Musy GloriGianni Musy Glori Voice of grande puffo
Massimo De AmbrosisMassimo De Ambrosis Voice of forzuto
Marco MeteMarco Mete Voice of puffo narratore
Fiamma IzzoFiamma Izzo Voice of puffetta
Edoardo StoppacciaroEdoardo Stoppacciaro Voice of vanitoso
Marco GuadagnoMarco Guadagno Voice of quattrocchi
Fabrizio MazzottaFabrizio Mazzotta Voice of tontolone
Gianluca CrisafiGianluca Crisafi Voice of burlone
Riccardo RossiRiccardo Rossi Voice of brontolone

Version Originale(2011)

Kenan ThompsonKenan Thompson Voice of golosone
George LopezGeorge Lopez Voice of brontolone
Katy PerryKaty Perry Voice of puffetta
B.J. novakB.J. novak Voice of panettiere
Jeff FoxworthyJeff Foxworthy Voice of inventore
Fred ArmisenFred Armisen Voice of quattrocchi
Anton YelchinAnton Yelchin Voice of tontolone
Tom KaneTom Kane Voice of puffo narratore
John OliverJohn Oliver Voice of vanitoso
Paul ReubensPaul Reubens Voice of burlone
Alan CummingAlan Cumming Voice of coraggioso
Jonathan WintersJonathan Winters Voice of grande puffo
Frank WelkerFrank Welker Voice of birba
Gary BasarabaGary Basaraba Voice of forzuto

Music tracks of the soundtrack